Hashtag LoveTrumpsHate Hashtag MakeAmericaGreatAgain Hashtag WHEREISTHELOVE
I am not going to talk politics. I am talking love verses hate.
My heart is so heavy concerning so much that I see on Facebook, the news, and what I hear people saying and doing. It is hate-filled and it breaks my heart.
Contrary to what many say Christianity is supposed to be about love, hope, faith and not judgement and condemnation. Jesus came to save us all and commanded that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
The hashtag #lovetrumpshate is so prevalent right not; how come LOVE is not? On both sides of the political line there is so much animosity, fear and hate. How can we #makeAmericaGreatAgain with hatred, animosity and loveless acts? What the world needs now is LOVE!
Love does not have room for judgement or discrimination based upon color, sexual orientation, gender, religious beliefs, or political affiliations. Love is just LOVE. You know…Love is kind, love is gentle, love is patient, love is….
Love is not name calling, derogatory language, slanderous remarks or self-righteous behavior. Love is not loud, messy or disrespectful. You can disagree, and make your points clearly and stand up for what you believe without being disrespectful of others. You really can. A great man does not make his point by making others look small but by causing them to think. Love is not proud, love is not boastful, love is…
If people truly believe #lovetrumpshate or that it is time to #makeamericagreatagain then they will pattern their actions, thoughts and sayings after the tenants of love. That means loving one another in how they treat others, speak to others and carry themselves. Love is not easily angered, love protects, love hopes, love endures.
Love never fails.
*the above images are not mine; I found them through google search.
Gratitude Log
*I got this idea from a facebook post shared from 104.9 The River.
This is my GRATITUDE LOG. Weekly, I will add one thing a week for which I am grateful.
January 8 –
My Faith in God. Because it gives me strength and hope to move from day to day. My rock, my shelter, my comfort to endure and overcome in life. My joy. My peace of mind that keeps me from moment to moment. Indeed in Him I live, and move and have my being. My faith in God and his plans for me gives me great expectation and hope for the new year.
January 16 -,
I am grateful for forgiveness; both receiving God’s forgiveness for me and being able to forgive others. For the longest time I would hold grudge long after I forgot why I was mad/upset/whatever. And if you didn’t ask or admit you were wrong or had mistreated me – WELLLLLL, I was never forgiving. That only hurt me, that held my heart in bondage to hurt feelings and negative energy. Recognizing that I fall far short of “perfection”; I knew I needed the forgiving mercy of God. His Word says that in the same manner that I forgive others, will He forgive me. I think that realization was the beginning to me opening my heart to trying to have a spirit of forgiveness.
January 23 –
I am grateful for my family!!! Oh My Gosh, I feel so blessed by the love and support that I have from my family. My family is my Mom and two sisters, then my three children and their fiances, and then my grandson, and then my niece and her family and my sister’s husband and children. Our family is growing leaps and bounds and I abstemiously love it. Family is a treasure.
January 31 –
I am grateful for JOY! Joy is not the same as happiness; Joy is deeper and underlying. Joy is “I’ve had an awful day, but I am still smiling inside”. Joy is not predicated by something great happening to or for you but a simple state of being. Joy is something I fought to acquire and will fight at all cost to keep. Joy, is priceless.
February 5 –
I am grateful for second chances!!!
Looking forward
Stop looking back; the best IS yet to come.