Pruning Is Necessary

Sometimes you have to simplify in order to expand….

There is a churning in my spirit that kind of seems to defy words.  A yearning to launch out, to expand, to delve deeper.  So I have found myself doing a lot of introspective looking.  What I found is that I have engaged in quite a few activities, projects,  groups and things that draw my time.  With each activity I found myself thinking the same series of questions…Does this matter to me? Does this help me reach a goal? Is this geared to my purpose? My Passion?

I found I was doing somethings on a whim, to join in or out of fun.  Nothing wrong with that but I also found that those things that are my passions where being put on the back burner for these other things.  This is when I realized that sometimes you have to simplify in order to expand.  Simplify what I am engaged in so that I can expand and grow that which is really purposeful and meaningful for me. Pruning time.

My mind went to the Bible, John 15:2 “He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t pruningproduce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”  Notice what He does.  First, the cutting.  He identifies those things that aren’t productive.  Projects that are started on a whim and not leading anywhere.  Groups  I joined that talk about nothing.  He eliminates those things that don’t point towards the purpose, plans or growth of the tree.

Next, the pruning.  Growing up I had a plant, and I learned that periodically I had to nip the top of it.  Clipping it this way encouraged it to be bushy and produce more blossoms.  You’ll notice in that scripture that pruning is exactly what God does next.   I am identifying and reevaluation those things I am passionate about, things that cause my purpose to blossom, plans, goals and hearts desires.  I am being purposeful in how I proceed in these areas.

Pruning is strategic and done with a purpose and plan.  How you prune has a bearing on the shape a plant take as it grows.  Pruning something beautifulrequires vision.  I am seeking God, about those precious thoughts he has towards me and the wonderful plans he has for my life, and formulating a plan for how to grow forward.  To help me with this I am creating a Vision Board as a visual reminder of where I want to focus and how I plan to proceed.

At first it seemed like I was going backwards, but then I realized that pruning is about fine tuning. Honing in on what matters and planning how to carry it forward.

Pruning is necessary. Simplifying brightens the perspective and gives clarity in how to move forward.

something brighter










Living On Purpose

To me this said or your serious about your goals/dreams or just playing around.
To me this said are you serious about your goals/dreams or just playing around.


It’s not the start of the year, beginning of the month or even week for that matter; but I feel the need for change.  This image was part of a post my cousin posted and it got me thinking.

Living on Purpose is about actively doing things that propel me forward in achieving my goals or dreams.  Choosing actions or creating opportunities regularly to expand my knowledge, increase my portfolio and not just waiting for them to “happen”.

So, I’m going to pray and create a plan of “Purpose” regarding photography and fitness/nutrition.  I don’t expect it to be easy and I may stumble, but I believe that once God puts something in your heart; and you set your mind to it— He will help bring it to pass.


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