What if God ask you to do something that others have told you you can’t do? “You can’t sing, you don’t have rhythm, you can’t draw, you can’t blah blah blah.” Who’s report will you believe?

My Grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness

2 Corinthians 12:9

God takes what you have and covers it with His supernatural anointing. His grace, His strength, His wisdom; supercharges what you have an makes it exactly what He needs it to be. All He needs from you is your “YES“. He does not need your intellect, your talents, your money; He needs your whole hearted surrender to Him. Completely surrender and then let Him paint the masterpiece and give Him all the glory.

Sometimes the most anointed experiences are conducted through the least talented; simply because they let God/ Holy Ghost work! They just yielded. They accepted their lack and welcomed His abundance and just let Him flow.

Fear is the biggest obstacle to flowing in God. Fear is the biggest hindrance in being where, who, what God says that you ARE. What if I look silly, what comes next, what if blah blah blah. Fear of what others think, fear of not fully knowing or even knowing at all “what comes next.” Fear is the blockage. Fear Fear Fear The presence of fear is to be expected and “normal” but it is your yielding to fear that you need to overcome.

When you conquer your yielding to fear; you will begin to soar as the eagle God has created you to be!!!


Just Follow His Lead

… and for no known reason my eyes fell on the adapter piece for my iPhone. You can barely even see it on this messy side table.



I looked at it for several minutes, pondering whether I needed it or not.  I had no plans that would require it, after all it had been sitting there for over 6 months – and I never found myself wishing I had it.  So, in my finite wisdom; I left it where it sat.

On with the day….

Jaxon, my 3 year old grandson is sleepy.  He was up late and had to get up early this morning.  Shoot we all were sleepy, but today is a big day.  It is Discovery Day at his new Preschool.   Discovery day is where a toddler gets to spend a few hours at the preschool before starting full time.  They get to meet their teachers, see the room, meet their fellow classmates and get used to the idea of a new routine.   This is a big deal because we want him to be happy and excited about where he is going and receptive, even looking forward to, the change.

We all hop in the car to take the 30 minute drive to his new preschool.  Jaxon is  strapped into his car seat for the ride.  Jaxon is truly my grandson.  I am that child that would fall asleep every time we took a trip in the car.  I am that woman who had to pray not to fall asleep when going on long trips with my former husband.  I am the woman who’s eyes think night fall means bed time whether I am home or needing to drive to get there.  Soooo of course,  we wanted to get and keep Jaxon awake and alert so he would be receptive to his Discovery day.

“Do you have toddler tunes on your playlist”, I say to my daughter who is driving.  “Nope, I no longer have my iTunes account”, she replies.  “I have some on my playlist”, I say, “can I plug into your car?”. My eyes fall to look at the car adapter outlet and then I look at my iphone and shake my head.    BAMMMMMM and there it is, the moment that God knew was coming when I was standing by my bed looking at that auxiliary adapter.  

In that moment I said out loud “Lord, help; help me just follow you even when I don’t know why.  Incline my ears that I may hear and obey”

Immediately I am remined of the INFINITE wisdom of God and His all knowing sovereignty.  I am also reminded of how much he cares for every area of my life. His love encompasses every area of our lives not just through the gift of salvation but through His mercy and grace and Him being mindful of even the very little areas of our day.  In this moment I remembered the sermon of last week where we were encouraged to “invite God into our situations”.  Part one is to invite Him in, but there is a part two.  When we invite Him in, we then have to be willing to hear from Him and follow his lead.  Sometimes it is so easy to miss the moment – so we have to ask Him to give us an ear to hear Him and to recognize His ways.

Trust In The Lord with All Thine Heart; and Lean Not Unto Thine On Understanding. In All Thy Ways Acknowledge Him, and He Shall Direct Thy Path. Proverbs 3:5-6

And so it is my prayer as I move forward into the new year that I will plain and simply FOLLOW THE LEADING OF THE HOLY GHOST, PERIOD.   Whether I understand, can analyze the importance or relevance of it or even feel like it — JUST FOLLOW HIS LEAD.

Pray for and with me, this is going to be an awesome year in God as I grow in learning to hear Him and simply Follow His Lead.


Staying free

Do not let how others treat you effect who you are towards them. Remain your authentic self.

What do I mean?  If you are a greeter and you see them out and about – – still say “Hi” even if they don’t say anything back.   If you feel led to check on them do it, even it you know they won’t respond back.

In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter how they treat you – you just need to remain free in your heart.  Letting how they treat you dictate who you are regarding them, gives them a negative power over you. For example – you feel led to pray for someone, but won’t because of how they have treated you.  They don’t loose; you do.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying chase after people. Use wisdom.  Take your lead from how they treat you and spend time with them accordingly.   If someone can’t ever seem to make time to hang out its okay; just stop asking them to do things.

Never let how someone treats you cause you to harden your heart towards them; stay free.



Just Flow

I am going to try to “flow” more without planning down to the last detail. To start, I am going to post a blog when I have something to say. It may be a word, sentence, song or photo. This past year I would think to share a line or quick thought, but didn’t because I didn’t think I had “enough” to say.  No promises of frequency or theme being made or implied here.  I am just going to flow with what happens.  A pattern of frequency may develop; or not 🙂

At the same time I am going to plan to do somethings that expand me and expose me to more of life.  I am exciting about exploring the field of photography more and mingling more and meeting new people. There are a wealth of museums, galleries and sites to see near me that I have yet to explore…its time to explore them, photography them.

In life, I am not going to let unknown variables prohibit me from taking a step. I am freeing myself from “having to know” every detail before I try something new.   Sometime in life you need to just “step” without necessarily knowing “what, how or when” about the next step.

Stepping out of the box and trying something new for me.   Lets see how it goes…Just flow

Scriptures that strengthen me:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14

For we walk by faith, not by sight….. 2Corinthians 5:7

God has not given me a spirit of fear… 2 Timothy 1:7

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